Laden Evenementen

Jan Peter Jansen is co-founder of two software companies: Eonics and NIXZ RPA Solutions. Throughout his career he has built many successful products. By iterating quickly and efficiently, leveraging short feedback loops with users, he has created multiple successful products in crowded markets. A crucial component in this approach is the use of the JHipster framework and code generation.

During this Hack Night he will share his insights and teach you how to create your own scalable projects with the JHipster framework. The evening will start with a short presentation followed by a dinner, after which you go hands-on with the material during the workshop.

The JHipster framework is agnostic in terms of technology stack, but some familiarity with things like Docker and the Java ecosystem would be helpful. Don’t forget to bring your laptop!

Either way: please feel free to come no matter your background or skill level, Jan Peter will gladly answer any of your questions related to technology and entrepreneurship.

  • Dit evenement is voorbij.
  • Start Time
    oktober 25 - 6:00 pm
  • End Time
    oktober 25 - 8:00 pm
  • Location
    Binckhorstlaan 36 (M0.17)
    Den Haag, Zuid-Holland 2516BE Nederland
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